American Gods, Marketing, and the power of belief


American Gods, Marketing, and the power of belief


If there’s a pattern in my recent blog(Buy Facebook followers) posts about the facts about loyalty to customers. There’s a constant debate about what makes us engage in our activities.

At first glance, it may appear to be a fascinating subject for a simple marketing blog. On second thought, marketing is all about convincing a group of people (target group) to perform what you would like them to (buy your product or service). So it’s one more to the point I’m sure you’re all in!

Like most times, it was a specific event that triggered the idea of a blog post. This week was episode three of a brand new television series known as American Gods.

Based on Neil Gaiman’s book. Gaiman’s novel is about various aspects, and the plot is complex. However, it does have a lot to say about one crucial idea: the power of belief.


In the novel, Gaiman’s main character, Shadow Moon, powerfully summarizes belief:


“It’s the way people act. They believe in. They populate the darkness with ghosts, gods, and electrons, as well as with stories.

People think, and they are convinced: it’s the faith, that solid belief that triggers events.”


Marketing and the power of belief


The idea that having a “rock-solid conviction” in something gives it the ability to transform it into reality is popular. Still, it’s not typically presented in this manner.

If you’ve read any book about personal development or productivity that spoke of the impact of positivity in your life, it’s the exact idea.


But the word “belief” is a word that seems to have a significant meaning if it has more significance.

This led me to think about marketing and its power in faith. After much thought, I came to an observation not just for the marketer within every one of us but also for consumers.


Instill True Faith in your strategy

Although belief can be as effective as it can be and disbelief also has an impact, unfortunately, this is a fact that marketers are well aware of.


If you manage your agency for marketing or are employed in an agency for marketing, You need approval from the stakeholder for your marketing campaigns.

Meetings, pitches, and presentations are followed by discussions, modifications, and subtractions resulting in the inevitable “green lighting.”


There’s the possibility of accepting the strategy since you’re paid for an assignment. But is it like the plan you originally suggested?

And more importantly, does there exist any absolute conviction in the campaign, or was the decision granted using a “wait-and-see” stakeholder-based approach?


Let’s get this one thing out there in the open To get stakeholders to fully sign-up is very difficult and is different from a partial unconcerned signature.




If you have the first, the strategy is backed by unquestionable support, which is a sign of having the appropriate amount of resources and time for it to grow and grow organically.

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The second kind of approval can lead to unending check-ins, changes to timelines, and maybe totally beyond your control before you even blink.


A friend from a marketing agency recently shared with me the story of one client who “signed off” for a planned strategy only to ask for several large-scale modifications after the campaign had been launched.

If belief is taken out of the equation, as was in the instance of my friend, it’s hard to regain it.

The campaign was redesigned, and the campaign plodded along but never achieved its potential because doubt reared its ugly side.


On American Gods, Shadow and his boss, Mr. Wednesday, frequently discuss the power of belief and its importance. In one of their conversations.

Shadow admits he did not believe in love until he met his wife, Laura. Mr. Wednesday responds. “So you didn’t believe until you got married, and then the world changed when your belief.”


 When you believe in something, that belief alters both you and the thing you are a part of.


Marketers can benefit from this ease of use if they realize that it’s not about getting a specific method or strategy accepted.

The most crucial aspect of gaining the trust of stakeholders is to build trust in what you’re saying.


Sometimes, the most effective way to build trust is to use graphs and figures. Some situations may require making clear the inclinations of your intended group.

There may be an event where referencing American Gods and the philosophical power of faith gets you the trust and confidence required to get things done.


It does not matter how you approach it if you can get them to believe that your campaign will yield more outcomes.


Looking for brands that Believe

Imagine that you enter an upcoming shoe shop named ABC shoes. They only carry ABC shoes. You peruse the store for a few minutes before an employee appears to inquire if you require assistance.

You turn down the offer; however, not before you notice the employee was wearing the same pair of Nike shoes.

You come across another employee as you head out, this time wearing Reebok sneakers. You don’t spend anything and are left wondering why you aren’t employees dressed in ABC shoes?


It’s a simple example and an error that retail stores should not make. I’m using it to demonstrate that successful brands are based on absolute confidence in their services and products.


There are many less obvious but equally effective ways that brands demonstrate their faith or lack of belief in their product offerings.

The way a brand conducts its personnel, mainly when they are in line with their marketing message, is a good indication that they trust what they are selling.

We’ve also written about transparency and honesty as reliable indicators of the quality of a business.


Put If there’s smoke, there’s fire. If the employees of a business behave differently than you’d expect.

There is an internal problem with trust or belief based on the company’s marketing strategies.

There are too many choices in the current competitive environment to be working with a business that isn’t convinced of its own beliefs.


This idea is directed toward the customers in every one of us but reverse-engineered marketers are in the market; they should use it for the brands they represent.

After the day, regardless of whether you’re buying or selling, your thoughts and actions representing beliefs are easily discernible when you are aware of what you’re trying to find.



In the third episode in the third episode of American Gods, Mr. Wednesday instructs Shadow to concentrate on snow.

Contrary to what the forecast says, it snows, then Shadow is left to wonder if Shadow caused it to snow.

Perhaps the issue isn’t what caused it to snow. It’s more about the reason for it. Shadow believes.


It could be a philosophy-based TV show, a campaign for marketing or a positive thought exercise, or just life in general.

It appears like the power of belief is more significant because it affects the way things happen and not the reverse.


The question is: do you use the power of your beliefs for your benefit?
