How to Become a Software Developer

What is a Software Developer? I feel like this answer is obvious, but it’s worth explaining. A software developer writes code to create computers programs....

Why You Should Watch Anime

Why Should You Watch Anime? Anime is a good way to escape from the real world. It’s a great way to de-stress after a long...

Why Is Blockchain So Controversial?

What Is Blockchain? Blockchain is a database that records transactions made on it. It’s like a spreadsheet, except the information can’t be edited once it’s...

The Domestic Assault Epidemic in America

Domestic Assault is Everywhere Did you know that one out of every four women will experience domestic assault in her lifetime? It’s true. If you’re...

Why Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

Hygiene, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is simply the science or practice of keeping clean. I know that hygiene can be a touchy subject,...